Material Mixer Addon for Blender 4.3
Mix two materials together with just one button press!
- Object Mixing
- Height mixing based on displacement maps
- UV/Object coordinate transfer
- Simple Mixer: Mix materials using linear interpolation.
- Complex Mixer: Mix materials based on displacement height and distance to the ground object (ground object selection required for proper functionality).
Complex Mixer:
Height Mixing:
- Enable Height Mask: When set above 0, height masking is activated.
- Offset: Shifts the displacement maps; 0.5 means no shifting, 0 corresponds to 100% Displacement Map A, and 1 corresponds to 100% Displacement Map B.
- Softness: Smooths the mask for gradient effects.
Object Masking:
- Enable Object Masking: When set above 0, Object Masking is activated.
- From Mix: Minimum distance from the ground object.
- To Max: Maximum distance from the ground object.
New Mix:
- Material: Choose a material to mix with the current one.
- Ground Object: Select a ground object that can be used to change the texture mapping.
- Change Object Coordinates: If true, it uses the ground object's coordinates (a selected ground object is required).
- Change UV Map: If true, it uses the ground object's UV map (a selected ground object is required).
- Target UV Map: Select a UV map to sample from (requires 'Change UV Map' to be active).
- Use Complex Mixer: If enabled, the complex mixer will be used.
- Mix Materials: Adds the mixer and imports the target material to the node tree.
Mix panel:
- Color: The mixer node group's color (used only to help identify the node group in the node tree).
- Update: Apply changes to the material by updating the node group.
- Delete: Deletes the mix and removes all associated nodes.
- Enable Height Blending: Activates blending based on the height map.
- Enable Object Blending: Activates blending based on object distance.
- Ground Object: Changes the currently selected ground object.
- Add/Remove Controller: Adds or removes a controller object for object blending.
- Blending Mode: Adjusts how object blending interacts with height blending.
- Interpolation: Changes the interpolation method for object blending.
- Select Max: Selects the Max control object.
- Select Max: Selects the Min control object.
Update 1.2:
- Reworked UI
- Improved Object Blending: Changeable interpolation methods and customizable control objects
- Material Update Function: Applies changes to appended materials
- Utility Functions: Easily add material copies to the node tree or insert a mixer group without creating a new mix
- Compatible with Blender 4.3.
Update 1.1:
- Fixed a bug where the shader group was missing after reopening the blend file.
- Compatible with Blender 4.2.
Thanks for your support!
If you have questions you can contact me on twitter (or X)
279 KB
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